and so... it's been about A MONTH since i left my precious newcastle and returned home... and *sigh*... i miss newcastle like crazy!
i seriously do...
the eye blinking... *sigh* i miss seeing the bridge everyday...
i crave hot sugary donuts and hot cappucino flavoured donuts!
aunty ele and aunty ren... do me a fav and dapao for me!!! *lol*
*sigh* fare thee well beloved newcastle...
forever and ever newcastle...
hmm.. and what hav i been up to? well, catching up with summer and spring... shopping... driving around... touring... and also... celebrating birthdays... attending interviews at several big firms... being quite lansi and telling them that i will think about their offer... *lol*
the blueberry cheesecake i 'helped' baked for deeda's birthday!
seeing me nephew(L) and niece(R) for the very first time...
...and of course... playing with me precious bundle of fun!!!
gonna be saying goodbye to me lazing around and doing absolutely nothing... will be starting work as a chambering student come december 1. *sigh*
blog might even be neglected a bit... might... but i'll try blogging every now and then...
and so until then... wish me well... and may i survive the ratrace!!!