Monday, November 28, 2005


and so... it's been about A MONTH since i left my precious newcastle and returned home... and *sigh*... i miss newcastle like crazy!

i seriously do...

the eye blinking... *sigh* i miss seeing the bridge everyday...

i crave hot sugary donuts and hot cappucino flavoured donuts!

aunty ele and aunty ren... do me a fav and dapao for me!!! *lol*

*sigh* fare thee well beloved newcastle...

forever and ever newcastle...

hmm.. and what hav i been up to? well, catching up with summer and spring... shopping... driving around... touring... and also... celebrating birthdays... attending interviews at several big firms... being quite lansi and telling them that i will think about their offer... *lol*

the blueberry cheesecake i 'helped' baked for deeda's birthday!

seeing me nephew(L) and niece(R) for the very first time...

...and of course... playing with me precious bundle of fun!!!

gonna be saying goodbye to me lazing around and doing absolutely nothing... will be starting work as a chambering student come december 1. *sigh*

blog might even be neglected a bit... might... but i'll try blogging every now and then...

and so until then... wish me well... and may i survive the ratrace!!!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

birmingham, chocolates & animals...

date : 18 oct - 20 oct 2005
location : birmingham
actors : jian & winter
extras : hehehe... see the last pic for this post.

[note : yes yes... i know. it's edi A MONTH ago. but what can i do? i haven't the luxury of my OWN lappie cos the screen just died on me... and TMNET STREAMYX sucks. BIG TIME. i didn't purposely choose to go on a hiatus... i was FORCED to. so, bear with me til i catch up... hopefully soon. btw, this post has up to about 20 pics... or more. so if it's slow in loading... sorry lah. oh, and since it's full of pics, i'm just too lazy to mention much so... let the pics do the talking!]

birmingham new street station... one of the many train stations in birmingham.

birmingham city hall... nice?

this is the inside of the Bullring. Bham's shopping mall... Selfridges is here too!

the outside of the Bullring. don't ask me why it's called Bullring. it just is.

this is bham's sad lil' chinatown. SO SMALL! but i likey the stall on the left... SOYA BEAN! TAUFOO FAR!!!

hmm, on day 1, we took a train to a place called BOURNEVILLE. sounds familiar?

CADBURY WORLD!!! omg... i envy the people of bournville... imagine waking up everyday to the intoxicating, saliva-inducing smell of CHOCOLATE!!!

no, i'm not kidding... seriously, u can smell chocolate everywhere!!! we had a tour of cadbury world...

... and got to have FREE CHOCOLATE and FREE TASTING!!! oh gosh... CHOCOLATE HEAVEN!!!

this is the world's biggest cadbury store. and I'M GOING SHOPPING FOR CHOCOLATE!!! if u think i'm fat edi... i blame cadbury world!!! *lol*

day 2 saw us taking a train to a place called kidderminster... and then boarding a public bus full of old people... so as to get to...


yeaps, entrance costs £7.99...

we were the onli ones at the safari park WITHOUT A CAR. yes. we were planning on walking thru the park... *lol*

in fact, we were so early there thanks to... *grumbles* ... that there were onli about 3 other cars there...

see how empty???

but all the same... we get PEOPLE-LESS photos!!! see the sea-lions??? aren't they simply cute? they were the first animals to greet us when we walked into the lost city plaza.


anyone spot the leaf insect in there?

omg. i didn't realise i was THAT CLOSE to that alligator...
oh and btw, after i left that place... the area filled up with water... and for a moment i thought the alligator had escaped!

jian feeding that male deer... thank goodness for it's horns... otherwise it would have put his WHOLE HEAD into the car...

WOLVES!!! the greyer they are the older they are....

some of the animals at the safari park... u get to buy some feed to feed them!!!

but the main attraction at the park would be it's... WHITE TIGERS!!! and white lions... which i think i forgot to include the pic... oops...

white tiger nibbling on a bone...

Simba and his pride... and YES, this and the above 2 are real pics... it just got all misty cos the sky decided to cry a bit...

oh gosh... ostrich egg which is BIGGER than my hand!!!

typical of jian to take a photo of a rhino when it's doing peeeing... right after he took this pic, the rhino shot some bombs out as well.... *lol*

*yawn* hippos in their lake... btw, it kinda stank there...

and this was the sight that greeted us when we decided to leave the park... ain't it lush?

and i got to meet up with 2 old frens... Ting Aun and Kris Ho Suan! thanks u guys for taking us around!!! well, kind of... but thanks kris for letting us stay in ur room!!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


act 1 : at home
"my grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf so it stood 90 years on the floor..." (repeated 5 times every 5 minutes!!!!!)
mushmoo misses that damn tune...
that was his damn irritating alarm tune on his mobile phone. it's so damn irritating that she finally dragged herself out of bed and went to wash up when she realised that today was trip day! they were going on a day-trip to the last English town, Berwick-Upon-Tweed (pronounced as Bear-rick-Upon-Tweed), before entering into Scotland.

when all was done... in the wee hours of morning, together they left the house for their half an hour walk into the city centre where they boarded an arriva bus from haymarket to Berwick-Upon-Tweed at 8.25am.
mushmoo misses the half hour walks...
note : no pics becos it was too early and no one was in the mood for pics yet.

act 2 : on the bus
the ride out to Berwick took approx. 2 and a half hours and being really sleepy... both fell asleep only to wake up at every stop the bus made to make sure that they didn't miss their stop.

one of the stops was at the town of Alnwick (pronounced as An-nick), where the infamous Alnwick Castle is located. What's so famous about Alnwick Castle? OMG... u must so be NOT a fan of Harry Potter to NOT know about Alnwick Castle.
Anyways, Alnwick Castle is HOGWARTS in the movie.

As they were on the bus and didn't stop at Alnwick, they only managed a fleeting shot of Alnwick. But they made a resolution to come up again to visit.
2 years from now eh? *winks*

recognise anything?

act 3 : Berwick-Upon-Tweed
finally after the long bus ride, they arrive at the town. She had just woken up and was feeling really extremely cold.

blur... behind that sleepy girl is the bus stand.

it looks big here don't u think?

well, it really isn't. It's just a quaint but sleepy little old town and they managed to walk around the whole town almost twice!

see how easy it was to get around the town!

a little view of the town from erm... forgot where.

berwick city hall... under construction.

the view of the wonderful railway bridge on which trains from the south would use to get to edinburgh, scotland. and the river tweed. which explains the "upon-tweed" part.

him being silly...
mushmoo misses his royal highness of silliness...

whilst walking around the ramparts, she was suddenly frightened when she heard voices from the cemetary below...

...and this is the church. see how gorgeous the light is shining in?

whilst walking around the town, she saw a pamphlet advertising the berwick bear musuem and she pestered him into taking her there...

...only to be disappointed by the size of it.

ze great berwick bear musuem.

more of a shop than a musuem.

she was hoping to find boyboy in that huge collection of bears! (who's boyboy? read previous post on LOST...)

the are a whole lotta of other places to see... namely the berwick barracks and all... but getting lazy edi, as u can obviously see... soo...

mushmoo miss smoomoo!

---THE END---