Tuesday, May 03, 2005

adventure of paddy [part 2]

paddy has been busy of late...

he ran away to go on holidays by himself, forgetting to take the camera each time. silly bear...

and whenever he's around, he doesn't have time for me. he's always either sleeping or eating or busy...

*sobs* i'm feeling so neglected lately... :p

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paddy about to begin his reading...

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omg... paddy's been reading my ARCHBOLD!!!

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what's this? s18 offences against the persons act 1861?!!!?

hmm... wonder what paddy is up to...

wait, or what DID paddy do!?!?!

s18 oapa... causing grievious bodily harm... OMG!!!

omg... i gotta go catch paddy and interrogate him!!!

[note : i've been stuck in my room studying criminal procedure all day while the weather was pUrRfect today... 20 degrees celcius!!! and i think i'm going a lil' insane... anyways, photos about yesterday's newcastle green festival will be coming up soon... so stay tuned!!!]

so until next time, paddy says... "zZz".

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