Thursday, May 12, 2005

oh ...PLEAS...e... help meee...

"where a defendant is standing mute, a jury must be empanelled to determine whether the defendant is mute of malice or mute by visitation of god."

huh? just to decide whether the defendant is remaining silent or he is seriously disabled a jury needs to be empanelled?!?!?! *swt* what a complete waste of time and resources. why can't the judge decide on this himself?!! why must a jury be selected just to decide on such a simple matter? *swt*

and what's with the "mute by visitation of god"!?!?! can't they just use SIMPLE AND UNDERSTANDABLE ENGLISH?!?

"where a finding of mute by visitation of god is made, the jury must then determine whether the defendant is under a disability and cannot be tried."

eh? *swt* 'nuff said.

"where a jury determines that a defendant does have a disability, a fresh jury will determine whether the defendant did the act or omission alleged."

*swt* empanel yet ANOTHER jury!?!?! 'nuff said.

note :
i'm cramming my head full of criminal procedure and criminal evidence for this MCQ i have on friday after which i have absolutely no use of. *sheesh*

now excuse me while i continue to eat archbold and m.s's evidence book in hopes of remembering EVERYTHING and to vomit them out again on friday. ta for now.

[p/s : adrian, i'll look out for the songs for u...]

sometimes the decisions we make now may not be the right ones but we have to live with it.


Anonymous said...

No rush here, Dil. Focus on your work first, yeaps!

Unknown said...

mute by visitation of god is a legal phrase meanin the fucker is sick in the head or mentally fucked or he is just plain mute. this was the term used before we had the mental health acts la to govern the fitness of someone to stand trial. got somethin else also called mute by visitation of the devil.. i forgot what was it.

YU JIAN said...

To quote the Wolf ...

"this was the term used before we had the mental health acts la to govern the fitness of someone to stand trial"

That's EXACTLY why the English Legal System needs a good revamp. What's the use of the Mental Health Acts and modernisation if the courts are still gonna stick to prehistoric definitions of things?

Sigh ... the law, the law ... macam PUKIIIIIIIII.

All the admissibility shit bout Hearsay, Confessions and other Witness Testimonies ... they got enuff rules to make a ruler factory YET at the end of the day, they still got their Get-out-of-Jail card ... the judicial discretion.

At the end of the day, it's equivalent to sayin' " we'll let all you mufucka's argue and prove and disprove each other's admissibility and shit ... then when enough time has been wasted and we feel it's time to show our judge powers, we'll fuck you up nicely"
