Tuesday, June 21, 2005

i can't sleep
an image haunts me...

today at work, an elderly couple stopped by my stall. they were talking and pointing at several of the jewelry on display. she was in a wheelchair and he was beside her. when i went over to see if they needed any help, she said that she was looking for a bracelet with green stones in them. the reason being that today was their emerald wedding anniversary. i found one really lovely bracelet and she tried it on. she looked at him for his approval and he took out £20 to pay for it immediately. she smiled and said thank you and together they left the stall. him pushing her on the wheelchair.

55 years of marriage and i could still feel the love between the two of them. and it felt like a slap in the face. you see, i no longer believe in "happy ever after" endings. all those fairy tales we heard when we were a child mean nothing to me now. they are just lies. there's no such thing as "happy ever after". i stopped believing in it a long time ago. but today, the elderly couple... the image of the two of them leaving my stall... 55 years of marriage and god knows how many years before that of being in love with one another... just made my heart ache. it made me question if there really is a "happy ever after" ending for everyone. and if there is, where's mine? 55 years of marriage! imagine how old they are now... and yet, they still have one another. and so, more questions pop up... will i live to be that old? will i be like them, celebrating my emerald wedding anniversary with my soulmate? will we still be so much in love as they were?

so now their image lingers on inside my head... the questions float by over and over and over and i can hardly sleep. but the main one is...

is there really a "happy ever after"?

but to the elderly couple who stopped by today...
may you have many more years filled with love.

Two souls with but a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one.
- Friedrich Halm


suelynn said...

hey dilys dear =)
been a while huh..

ya know, not many still believe in 'happy ever after', me included. it's quite evident in our soc too. however, at times, even though rare, you get a glimpse of it ie the couple you met, and it makes you wonder..

after reading your post, i felt the ache in my heart. i know that losing someone i love wouldn't be easy but i did not anticipate for what i went thru and am going thru..
nonetheless, your entry did give me a glimmer of hope..

=) God bless sweets.

~ w i n t e r ~ said...

hey chel...

how's u been? havnt heard from u in a long time. are u still here or back in msia edi?